POLITICS proposes an innovative multilevel research that will enable identifying and understanding different conceptions and practices of anti-racism. The three interrelated RSs involve five sub-levels of analysis: international organisations and agencies; state institutions; State universities; the mass media, NGOs and grassroots organisations. The qualitative multi-method strategy will enable examining the relation between higher level contextual factors and lower levels, and between top-down and bottom- up dynamics in knowledge production and collective mobilisation. Qualitative data collection and analysis will dialogue with race critical theories (Essed & Goldberg 2001; Maeso & Araújo 2014) and critical discourse analysis (van Dijk 2001). Methods include: 1) archival research: the production of a corpus of political texts; 2) case study –information-oriented selection that aims ‘to maximize the utility of information from small samples and single cases’, in particular ‘paradigmatic cases’ that highlight more general characteristics of the contexts and processes studied (Flyvbjerg 2001); 3) in-depth interviews that enable the analysis of competing interpretations and power/knowledge relations; and 4) participatory workshops that, within a post-positivist perspective, aim to foreground debates and conflicts and propose anti-racist collective strategies and policy developments with an emphasis on views from grassroots organisations.