- Corpos insubmissos (2.ª edição)
Corpos insubmissos (2.ª edição) | Luta antirracista para além das «crises»: resistências e insurgências nas trincheiras da democracia
21 e 22 de novembro de 2019, 10h00Sala de Seminários (Piso 2), CES | Sofia
Rebellious bodies (2 edition) | Antiracist struggle beyond «crises»: resistance and uprising in the trenches of democracy
The denial of fundamental rights to Black people is recurrent in democratic societies, and it constitutes the (de-humanised) experience of being Black in the modern world (MBEMBE, 2016; ALVES, 2018; PIRES & FLAUZINA, 2019). The current political dynamics must be analysed in all their complexity. Thus, there is a need to investigate the relationship between coloniality, anti-blackness, as well as the foundations of the modern democratic system, juridical-political institutions and Law. The necropower and its deadly facet, manifest in the violence against Black people, is inherent to the constitution of Modern States sovereignty (GOLDBERG, 2002; MBEMBE, 2002) and, therefore, to the daily extermination of Black youth, the violence against Black women, the mass imprisonment of Black population, the persecution against African-based religions, the denial of non-eurocentric cosmologies. Such aspects cannot be understood as features of a political crisis, a very recurrent category in recent times used to explain ascending political configurations such as the election of far-right representatives in Europe and authoritarian governments in Latin America. In this vein, the second edition of "Rebellious bodies" aims to focus, during the Black Awareness month, on some reflections about the dilemmas that we have lived during the last years, mainly in the Brasilian context, in close dialogue with Black critical literature in education, languages and Modern States.
Subjects of the course
Anti-racism, Knowledge production, Grassroots movements
Target-group: Post-graduate students in social and human sciences, political activists and NGO members in the field of anti-racism, teachers in the areas of Sociology, History and Geography, journalists and similar.
Maximum number of inscriptions: 30 | Deadline for inscription: November, 15
Working language: Portuguese
Free entry, mandatory inscription
Note: during the seminars, there will be a photographic exhibition by Grupo Azagaia do Povo