Organización: Proyecto Politcs (CES/Universidad de Coimbra), Ministerio de Cultura de Perú y Ministério de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de Perú

General Objective: To present and discuss a diagnosis of the analytical and political approaches around the theme of the justice system, racism and Afro-descendant people in the Peruvian context. By placing the debate in the Latin American context, it seeks to provide dialogue points with bodies of the justice system, as well as with experiences in the scope of public policies and regulations and jurisprudence of the regional system of Human Rights.

Day 1 | 7th of June
The fight against racism and access to justice in Peru


The Inter-American Convention against Racism, Racial Discrimination and Related Intolerance Forms: A Tool to Racial Justice.
Roberto Rojas D´Ávila - Head of the Section of Groups in the Situation of Vulnerability of the Organization of American States

The institutional and normative challenges of access to justice for people of African descent in Peru
Cecilia Ramirez - Executive Director of the Peruvian Black Women Development Center CEDEMUNEP

Obstacles and hurdles faced by victims of ethnic-racial discrimination to access justice: experience of a concrete case
Azucena Algendones – public servant and member of the Peruvian Black Women Development Center CEDEMUNEP

Institutional racism and the Justice System: the experience of strategic litigation in cases of racism in Brazil
Rodnei Rericó - lawyer and coordinator of SOS Racismo, Geledés Instituto da Mulher Negra Brasil


Day 2 | 14th of June
Afro-Peruvians and the Justice System: Youth, Racism and Racial Profiling


Anti-black racism and criminalization processes: contributions to thinking about the Peruvian context
Mariela Cotito Noles – Professor and Researcher at the Universidad del Pacifico, Peru

Citizen security policies, criminalization/racialization and knowledge production
Silvia Maeso – Principal Investigator at the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coímbra

The control of the black body: Afro-Peruvian youth and racial profiling (to be confirmed)
Sara Ramírez Zubillaga - Specialist in interculturality and gender

The innovations of regional jurisprudence on racial profiling: the Acosta case
Laura Morelo - Specialist in the Rapporteurship on the rights of Afro-descendants and against racial discrimination, and official of the Rapporteurships of Chile and Brazil of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) of the OAS.